Considering the transportation problems in large metropolitan areas increasingly severe. The government only gives technical assistance, provision of bus stops and the addition has not been able to solve the problem of public transport quickly. instead the government does not have the funds but rather the lack of seriousness and commitment. If the subsidy is fuel oil (BBM) of about Rp 150 trillion last year spent to revitalize urban bus-based public transport, he considered, that’s enough.
In the effort development and repairing in transportation sector is need to mix government hand. Because many matters existence can’t be extradited to private side, like urban planning rules, and the development that need big fund. So, government part is very influential towards transportation sector growth. But how that part influence, visible from expenditure that done bu government for this sector.
As an effect, the public had to bear the cost of transportation more expensive. Urban air pollution are also increasingly worse. Not to mention the long travel time increases as the number of points the more congestion. Fuel consumption increases, not decreases accidents, and accident victims productive age increased. Meanwhile, users of mass transit that people continue to struggle in distress and sadnessand when using public transport.
Then again most recent fuss about the Development plan six toll roads in / downtown Jakarta. Jakarta Governor Jokowi objected to the project worth Rp 42 trillion. Because according to him, the construction of toll roads in the city is not a solution to overcome the problem of congestion in Jakarta. Quite the contrary will increasingly make the Jakarta traffic. Because more and more four-wheeled motor vehicles or more passing and entering the city and accumulate at certain points. In addition, according Jokowi, construction of six new toll roads that only benefit private car owners. Because they are the majority audience. Much more effective to tackle traffic congestion in Jakarta it is by diverting funds amounting to Rp 42 trillion to organize mass transportation that has been especially TransJakarta.
Is it true that everything that has been evaluated by the method of truth, and is still valid today? In fact, the construction of toll roads in the city of Jakarta which has operated since the beginning does not make the city congestion is reduced. That expressway construction in the city is not a solution to the congestion of the city. Toll roads in the city will only Constructing more and more cars enter and pass through from all directions.
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